Friday, May 16, 2008


no we havent moved, but i had to move my induction date back a few days. it was planned for the 6th but my doctor will be gone so we had to move it to monday june 9th. im up to 127lbs nows and i feel big. im ready to have the baby...somewhat anyways. my back hurts more and more and i have a hard time sleeping at night, but it all comes with the terriority right? so still three weeks to go! we go on tuesday to get an u/s done just to check on the baby and she how big she it. other than that we really dont have anything going on. i know my blog is getting pretty boring! were going to the baseball game tonight with jakes work, its been raining all day so hopefully it wont rain at the game, we dont have a roof like at chase! we miss you all at home and hope things are well with everyone.


Lexie said...

June 9th, that's soon, can't wait!

Nate and Lori said...

127 lbs? You are so small! I weigh more than that with no baby in my tummy. You definitely have the cutest little baby bump.