Wednesday, December 12, 2007

my little ty ty

so my ty ty called this morning and he wanted to come see me. brit was showing him my blog and he went and got his jacket and said "i want to go she ashie" how sweet is he? i think he really wanted to come and play in the snow. which melted a couple of days ago. poor little guy he doenst understand that im so far away. it just breaks me heart that i cant go see him. if i could i would go and fly out there today. i just love those little boys, pax even got on the phone and said hi. well he just babbled but he'll be talking soon im sure.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

merry christmas

Happy Holidays

since im to lazy to send out christmas cards this is what i decided to do. i hope that everyone has a great holiday season, no matter how you spend it. we love and miss everyone back home.

More Graphics at

Monday, December 10, 2007

bye bye jake....

so jake went to califorina this week. his work is sending him for some training. so im here by myself all week long. what am i going to do? i dont normally leave the house without jake since he has the car all day. i hate going out because i dont know where anything is. mapquest isnt that great either. jake and i went out last night and it took us an hour to find the place. i dont know what im going to do with myself. i hope you all have a good week and think about me when you're having fun and im sitting at home not doing anything.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

this is what it looked like last night. the snow didnt let up untill about 10pm.

i got to do my snow angle. jake was being a stinker and wouldnt do one with me. but it was fun

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

playing in the snow

the snow wasnt quite deep enough to do a snow i wrote my name instead. it was slowing down but now the snow has acutally picked up now. hopefully it will be enough and jake and i can build a snowman later. that would be fun.

more snow pics

these are some trees outside of our place. arent the beautiful.

i cant believe this one still has leaves on it.

Snow day

it started snowing this morning. it started around 900am. this is what it looked like then....

this is what it looks like now, and its still coming down pretty hard. were excpeting 3-5 inches just today. so ill probably put up so more pictures. later of me playing in it.

Monday, December 3, 2007

home in maryland

well we did it! we moved to maryland. were outside of baltimore in a place called windsor mills. its pretty nice. its an old town. the streets are small and all the resturants are all privately owned. the only comcerical places are wendys and taco bell. jakes doing well at work. he really likes it so far. i dont have a job yet. jakes told me i have to start looking soon. its been pretty cold. there is a chance of snow on wed, but its been in the 40's most of the time. here are some pictures of the house and some trees around.

this is thanksgiving day.

this is my uncle oj and jake. we stopped to get something to eat before the parade.

here is some of olivia dancing. shes in a program called dee dots and the danced in the parade.

this is austin and his cousin kevin on his float throwing candy to the crowd.

so we went to new jersey for thanksgiving. we went to my uncles house. my aunts family owns a dairy farm there. i want to thank them for having us there. it was a lot of fun. their kids olivia and austin were in a parade that we went to. olivia is 5 and austin is 2. we had a great time.